Virtual Panel: PR, Ethics, and Your Team’s True North

From the COVID-19 pandemic to politics, 2020 might be the toughest year yet for ethics in public relations. Register for the Public Relations & Communications Association’s (PRCA) free virtual panel on November 18, 2020 to hear from Blu Lotus President Sabrina Ram, MPRCA Ethics Ambassador Susan Hart, Rod Cartwright Consulting Founder Rod Cartwright, and Fellow PRSA Dave Bicofsky as they discuss this important topic.

PR, Ethics, and Your Team’s True North
Wednesday, November 18 at 11 a.m. EST

You can also register by emailing PRCA’s Isobel Arrowsmith at:

After the event, all attendees are invited to take part in the #PRCAethics Quiz 2020. Everyone who achieves a passing mark or over (80%+) will be presented with a PRCA Ethics Certificate signed by PRCA Global Director General Francis Ingham. Those who pass will also receive a PRCA Ethics Ambassador emblem, which may be used for one year following the event.

Missed the event? Watch it below!